Current Dialogue relaunch at WCC

Follow the WCC live this Friday 7 February for the launch of the WCC’s academic journal, ”Current Dialogue” in its new format covering Interreligious Dialogue; Peacebuilding; WCCjournals

The launch at 15.45 CET will follow a round table from 14.00 to 15.30 on ‘Rethinking Inter-religious Engagement in a Wounded World’ with religious leaders, diplomats, inter-religious practitioners, peace activists and grassroots actors.
[[] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRsxQpKc0jM&feature=youtu.be ]

Women Stepping Forward

Looking at the barriers to women taking up positions in public or political life and what can be done to tackle them – an event, Women Stepping Forward, 5 March at Riddel Hall Belfast. Part of the Equality Commission for NI’s lead up to International Womens’ Day on 8 March.

Speakers include Northern Ireland’s Commissioner for Public Appointments, Judena Leslie, Evelyn Collins, Equality Commission and panellists Judith Gillespie, Anne McVicker and Dawn Purvis, plus other speakers still to be confirmed. Free to attend, but please register to get your place.
[] http://ow.ly/Y0dW50yeeDr

Sunday at St Columb’s, Derry

Music this Sunday – at 11.00am, Choral Matins sung by the boys and gentlemen of the choir. Music is by Charles Villiers Stanford (Te Deum in Bflat) and Samuel Sebastian Wesley (Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace).

Then at 4.00pm, Choral Evensong is sung by the Gentlemen of the Choir. The service includes music by Herbert Sumsion (Evening Canticles in G (ATB)) and Charles Wood (View me Lord).

Methodist Church Conference 2020

The next annual Conference will be held at Trinity Methodist Church, Lisburn on the 10th – 14th June 2020. Stay tuned for more information to follow in the coming weeks on social media and MCI website:
[[] https://www.irishmethodist.org/Conference2019 ]

Charlene’s project

Charlene Barr was an inspirational young lady who refused to let illness stand in the way of realising her dream of a better future for children in Uganda through education. Charlene, whose family belong to Dollingstown Parish Church, Diocese of Down & Dromore, lost her battle with cystic fibrosis in 2010, but her legacy lives on. Read the story of Charlenes Project in the February issue of the C of I Gazette.
[ https://gazette.ireland.anglican.org/ ]

God in creation

When you send, may we go;
when we fear, be our courage.
When you challenge, may we listen;
when we fail, be our rock.

