A beginner’s guide to going live with your service or event for free

A Church Resource paper from the C of E.

Live video is being watched more than ever before. According to Vimeo, more than 80 per cent of people surveyed said they would prefer to watch a live video than read a social post or blog.

However, going live isn’t something we should do just because everyone else is doing it.

Using live video can be part of a church strategy that aims to cater to the different people in the community. Whether for work, health or family reasons, people around us have different needs and responsibilities that mean attending a service or event on a set day, or at a particular location, is not always possible. Live video enables us to take Church to them – wherever they are – and can help us build a relationship with those we may otherwise have never met.

Before we talk about how, what could you go live for?

Some of the churches we’ve met through our digital training have used these ideas to go live:

The sermon from a service
A thought for the day from the vicar or a member of the church
A reflection or prayer for the community mid-week
During preparation for an event to create interest and excitement for what’s to come
At an event showing what’s happening or during a special item
An update or a good news story
An interview with a speaker or a member of the church.

Be aware, if you include music in your video, you need to have the correct licences. Read more about publishing copywrited content on the internet, here.
[[] https://uk.ccli.com/what-we-provide/faq/#internet ]

For more ideas on sharing faith online, take a read of our recent Everyday Faith blogs.
[[] https://www.churchofengland.org/digital-labs/labs-learning-blog/labs-learning-blogs?search=everyday+faith&field_labs_learning_blogs_target_id=All&sort_bef_combine=created+DESC ]

Church of England reference –
[[] https://www.churchofengland.org/more/church-resources/digital-labs/labs-learning-blog/beginners-guide-going-live-your-service-or ]
