A thought and a prayer for today

Sabbath, memory and joy

A thought

A Hasidic Jew, a man whose life revolved around the Sabbath was asked, “Aren’t you depressed on Sunday when the Sabbath is over?”

“Not at all,” the devout man answered. “On Sunday I still bathe in the warmth of the day before.”

“And, Monday? Tuesday?”

The Hasid smiled. “No, no. On those days I can think back to the Sabbath.”

“Well, surely on Wednesday you must be depressed. The Sabbath is four days past.”

“Oh,” the Hasid sighed, “You are correct, but on Wednesday I know the Sabbath will come again in two days and I am filled with joy.”

Daniel S. Wolk in  The Time Is Now

A prayer

Lord God, 
you revealed your Son in the waters of the Jordan 
and anointed him with the power of the Holy Spirit 
to proclaim good news to all people. 
Sanctify us by the same Spirit, 
that we may proclaim the healing power of the gospel 
by acts of love in your name. Amen.