Autumn SEARCH on recession, educational and parish themes

Aspects of Ireland’s dismal economic situation as related to church life are explored in the autumn edition of SEARCH – a Church of Ireland Journal, which is published today, as the economic downturn strengthens its bite in all quarters.

Adrian Clements, the Representative Church Body’s Head of Finance, contributes an article “Living within our means?” which outlines the Church’s past practice in the financial sphere and explains the changes now being proposed, with a view a more coherent policies based on a careful re–evaluation of our priorities.

From a more grass–roots perspective, considering the untoward number of competent people who are unemployed and the need for better local services, Earl Storey, co–author of “The Extra Mile”, offers suggestions as to how these two minuses can become a plus. He offers principles and examples for an imaginative renewal of volunteer effort on the local scene – inspiration for parishes and inter–church groups alike.

With the first C of I deacons ordained last month to serve as parish interns for the final year of their training, Dr Maurice Elliott’s article on leadership training for the ministry will be of major interest. Considering it both in relation to the needs of today and the inspiration of Jesus’ parables, he offers some stimulating insights that stretch wider than ordination training as such.

In an allied area, that of the leadership and (threatened) patronage system of our primary schools, Dr Anne Lodge of CICI offers us an exclusive account of this year’s survey of parental views on school patronage. It is encouraging to note that parents of all backgrounds appear to be content with the status quo.

Our “Approaches to the Bible” article this autumn is given over to an account of the formation of the Biblical Association for the Church of Ireland (BACI), which aims to enable a mutually enriching communication between Bible explorers in our universities and in our parishes. Its Lenten Bible Study Course for 2012 on Economic Justice, available before Christmas, aims to model this conversation and to feed into the worldwide Bible in the Life of the Church project sponsored by the Anglican Consultative Council.

Parishes, of course, are at the heart of the life of the Church of Ireland, and at their heart lies the long tradition of family involvement. Adrian Stringer, rector of Desertlyn in Armagh diocese, explores this theme in relation to various contexts in the North of Ireland.

Finally before the issue closes with 16 pages of assorted book reviews, Bishop Samuel Poyntz offers a tribute to a great Irish churchman who died 50 years ago this year – Dean E H Lewis–Crosby.


Most readers receive their copies by post, but the journal can also be purchased at Best Sellers, the RE Resource Centre and Christ Church Cathedral in Dublin and The Good Book Shop in Belfast.

Requests for supply can also be made to the V Revd Stephen White, The Deanery, Killaloe, Co Clare,(subscriptions@searchjournal.ireland.anglican.org) and electronic payments are now acceptable. The annual subscription costs €22 or £19 within Ireland; postage of €8 or £6 to the rest of the world, payable in advance.

Forms for the 2012 subscription are included in the autumn issue