GB news – 16th June

C of E should be disestablished;     Disappointment at C of E’s leadership attack on same-sex marriage; Cathedral choirmaster sacked for ‘canoodling’ with woman in churchyard; Website targets Bible poverty in society and in the church

C of E should be disestablished
MP comments after the C of E bishops response on gay marriage

Disappointment at C of E’s leadership attack on same-sex marriage

Cathedral choirmaster sacked for ‘canoodling’ with woman in churchyard
Daily Record – A Cathedral choirmaster  has been dismissed for misconduct. It is understood Iain Simcock was sacked from his post at Glasgow Cathedral for canoodling with a woman in the churchyard last month. Mr Simcock and the woman, aged in her 30s, both deny there was a sexual element to the allegation.

Daily Mail

Website targets Bible poverty in society and in the church  
Christian Today – A new website has been launched by theologians to address the lack of Bible knowledge in the UK and US