Mothers’ Union in it for the long haul, All Ireland President

Mothers’ Union members from all over Dublin & Glendalough gathered in Rathfarnham Parish Church last Thursday, September 12, for their annual Diocesan Festival Eucharist.

Photo above – The Revd Norman McCausland, Karen Nelson, Archbishop Michael Jackson, June Butler and Canon Robert Deane at the Mothers’ Union Diocesan Festival Service in Rathfarnham.

Archbishop Michael Jackson presided with the Rector Canon Adrienne Galligan, Mothers’ Union diocesan chaplain the Revd Norman McCausland, and all Ireland chaplain Canon Robert Deane also present.

Diocesan president, Karen Nelson, was joined by the all–Ireland president, June Butler, for the service.

Mrs Butler gave the address. During the service members rededicated themselves and reaffirmed their commitment to Mothers’ Union.

The theme of the service was ‘Listen, Observe, Act – In Step with God’ and Mrs Butler reinforced this in her address which looked at the concept of patience.

Admitting that she was an impatient person, she highlighted three sets of people who illustrated the attributes of patience. Abraham and Sarah who waited for God to fulfil his promise of a child although they took matters into their own hands and had Ismail and Isaac, the repercussions of which continue today, she stated. Job believed what God had told him and urged people to wait and was blessed abundantly. Mothers’ Union founder Mary Sumner patiently worked and gained confidence until her movement, aimed at improving the lot of women, spread throughout southern England and eventually throughout the world.

“All this took patience. They were in it for the long haul,” Mrs Butler said. “We must learn the value of patience. We want everything now, and with the least effort… There is much more at stake than finding happiness and joy. True happiness is living out God’s will. We must listen to God and believe what he says. We must learn to have patience and consider how our actions will affect the future. Our work in Mothers’ Union in Ireland must look and plan for the future. We must think of how we can help people now but also the long term effects of our actions. Let us consider how we can best serve.”
