N Ireland comment on Israeli soldier release

Steven Jaffe, co-chair of Northern Ireland Friends of Israel comments on on the release of Gilad Shalit.
An abducted Israeli soldier is returned to his home at the expense of over a thousand terrorist prisoners being allowed to walk free. Not for the first time the world is astounded at Israel. However, few of its critics are today complaining of the Jewish state’s “disproportionate action”.

Northern Ireland Friends of Israel salutes everyone who prayed for the day of Gilad Shalit’s return to his family. From County Down singer songwriter, Jim Clint, who wrote a song for Gilad, listened to by thousands across the globe on Youtube, to those who signed on-line petitions or wrote to his family to give them support.

All of Northern Ireland’s MPs at Westminster – without exception – signed early day motions demanding Gilad’s release.

It is over five long years since Gilad Shalit, then aged 19, was abducted while on the Israeli side of the border with Gaza. Not everyone, myself included, believed we would ever see him alive again.

The obvious joy at seeing Gilad return to his family is tempered by deep concern at the high price which has been paid. Over 1,000 Palestinians have been released from jail in the deal to bring Gilad home

We think of those families who will never see their loved ones again. A recent visitor to Belfast, Arnold Roth,  lost his 15 year old daughter in the bombing of a Jerusalem pizza parlour. The person who scouted the suicide bomber into the centre of Jerusalem that day (who  killed fifteen civilians and wounded over 130)  walks free.  Many of those released from Israeli prisons remain fully committed to the violent destruction of the Jewish state, not to a peace process.

Hamas, who held Gilad as hostage in Gaza, have already claimed a great victory. They denied Gilad every human right.  He was held in solitary confinement for over five years, denied sunlight during that entire period,  was not permitted a single Red Cross visit, and was returned to Israel malnourished. Despite all of that, human rights activists who arrived in Gaza rarely said a word on his behalf.

The Jewish people have just celebrated the Jewish New Year when we ask God to write us in the book of life. The rabbis say to save one life is to save the world. Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbolla all celebrate martyrdom and death. I am proud to stand as a friend of Israel and celebrate life.

We hope that everyone in Northern Ireland, whatever their views on the Middle East conflict, welcomes Gilad Shalit home.

Northern Ireland Friends of Israel aims to put Israel’s case reasonably and fairly to the people of Northern Ireland. For more information please visit www.nifi.org.uk or contact us at nifriendsofisrael@ymail.com