New recommendations for Anglicans and Methodists in Covenant

The Methodist Church in England and the Church of England should work more closely together in their local communities, according to a new report from representatives of both Churches. C4090-450

The Joint Implementation Commission, set up under the Anglican-Methodist Covenant of 2003, is recommending that the two Churches should share their mission and ministry more widely. Its new interim report Moving Forward in Covenant, due to be considered by both the Methodist Conference and the General Synod in July, urges Methodists and Anglicans to join forces on the ground in a more far-reaching way than ever before.

Professor Peter Howdle, Co-Chair of the Joint Implementation Commission, said: “Moving Forward in Covenant contains some significant material. First, it summarises where both our Churches currently are regarding their 2003 Covenant and states where further progress needs to be made in order to move towards closer communion. Secondly, it includes an important development by proposing the establishing of ‘Covenant Partnerships in Extended Areas’.

“This is a result of innovative thinking using the current regulations of both our Churches. It will allow an increase in shared ministry in many places where both Churches should and could be acting together which can only enhance the missionary imperative of the covenant relationship. I am encouraged by the positive comments we have received about ‘Covenant Partnerships in Extended Areas’ as we have developed this idea and I think it is an exciting way forward. I 070-336 hope both Churches will receive it in this light as we seek to move closer together.”

“Looking back to 2003 there is no doubt in my mind that the relationship between The Church of England and The Methodist Church of Great Britain is closer and that our Covenant has been a positive influence on ecumenism in the UK.”

The report suggests that Anglican parish churches and Methodist local churches should work together closely through Covenanted Partnerships over wider areas. Covenanted Partnerships already exist in many places. The suggestion now is that greater numbers of Methodist local churches or circuits and Church of England parishes enter Partnerships that encompass wider geographical areas. Where the bishop, parish authorities and the appropriate Methodist Circuit and District authorities give permission, larger areas could benefit from shared ministry, so enabling a strategic approach to the deployment of Anglican clergy and Methodist ministers across all communities.

The report explains how Covenanted Partnerships in Extended Areas would relate to the existing law and rules of both Churches and gives guidance on good practice in implementing them. It recognises that they may not be appropriate in every area and that not all parts of the Church will move at the same speed.

The proposals are being referred to the relevant bodies in both Churches as part of a consultation process.

The histories of Methodism and of the Church of England have been intertwined for more than two centuries. The founders of the Methodist movement – John and Charles Wesley – were Church of England clergymen. The two Churches have been talking about re-uniting for half a century and are now in a Covenant relationship.

The Anglican-Methodist Covenant was signed and celebrated in the presence of HM The Queen in Westminster on 1 November 2003. The role of the Joint Implementation Commission (JIC) is ‘to monitor and promote the implementation of the Covenant’. The JIC will make a quinquennial report to General Synod and the Conference in 2013: the present report is an interim report.

The report distinguishes between ‘shared’ ministry and ‘interchangeable’ ministry. For the Church of England, an interchangeable ordained ministry is only possible on the basis of episcopal ordination and oversight. The JIC has addressed this issue in its previous report Embracing the Covenant (2008), but an interchangeable ministry has not yet been achieved through the Anglican-Methodist Covenant.