Sunday Club re-starts in Cork parish

Photo above – Claire Geary, Sunday Club Leader, with the Revd Paul Arbuthnot, Rector of Cobh & Glanmire Union of Parishes, the Rt Revd Michael Mayes, and some members of the Sunday Club.

Last month at the Patronal Festival in the Church of St Mary and All Saints’, Glanmire County Cork, the Sunday Club was relaunched. Claire Geary was commissioned as its leader. The Sunday Club will now take place every Sunday at the 11.30am service in Glanmire/Little Island.

The parish was also delighted to welcome back to St Mary & All Saints’, the Rt Revd Michael Mayes, as guest preacher on the occasion. Bishop Mayes was Rector of Rathcooney (Glanmire) with Little Island and Carrigtwohill from 1988 to 1993.

The large congregation present enjoyed renewing their friendship with Bishop Mayes, and the parish as a whole is looking forward to having a Sunday Club once more in the parish.

People are leaving winter clothes at St Mary’s Church

Members of the public have been leaving coats, scarves and hats on the gates of St Mary’s Church in Belfast.

The clothing is being left for homeless people to take and help keep them warm this winter.

The organiser, Marney Magee, got the idea after seeing a similar idea staged at Dublin’s Ha’penny bridge.

Ms Magee and fellow organisers have been wrapping the clothes in plastic to help shield them from the elements.

She told BBC News NI that she was shocked by the sheer amount of clothes people have donated.

“This is third day now in a row that we have been down replenishing the stuff,” she said.

This Sunday at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin

This Sunday at 11.15am you are all welcome tat St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin, for a service of Choral Eucharist sung by the Boys and Lay Vicars Choral with music by Herbert Howells (Collegium Regale and Magnificat – Gloucester Service).

Then at 3.15pm it is the annual service of “Carols for all” led by the combined forces of the Boys, Girls and Lay Vicars of the Cathedral Choir and the Cathedral Grammar School Choir. This year you can properly raise the roof as it is being replaced over the next 18 months anyway!

If you can’t join in person, then why not join in via the live streaming page [www.stpatrickscathedral.ie/worship]

Digital Ministry Training Day

CIYD Digital Ministry Training Day for chaplains, clergy and youth workers: Thursday, 16th January 2020 . 10am–3pm at The Oak Centre, Dunboyne Centre

CIYD is working with Missional Generation to host a day for clergy, school chaplains and youth workers. The first twenty people to book will receive a whole host of resources for ministry.

Booking is essential. Please contact Steve Grasham at [steve@ciyd.org] For further information, have a look at [www.missionalgen.co.uk]

Parish provides three defibrillators

St. Columba’s, Derryvolgie, near Lisburn, set about raising funds for a defibrillator for the church, and ending up being able to purchase not one, but three. Two were donated to businesses widely used by the local community, Mace and Froth Coffee and Sandwich Lounge.

No seats in Raphoe cathedral

There wasn’t an empty seat in St Eunan’s Cathedral, Raphoe on Friday evening as their first ever Christmas Tree Festival was launched formally with a Community Carol Service. For a time even the Dean’s seat was taken – until he resolved the crisis deftly with the help of a fairytale: ‘Who’s been sitting in my chair?” he asked the offending choir member.

J is for…Jesus College, Cambridge

Friends of Cathedral Music went to Cambridge to visit Jesus College.

Jesus College is fortunate to have two choirs: the Chapel Choir and the College Choir.

The Chapel Choir comprises a back row of adults (who are generally students at the University) and boy trebles who, rather than attending a specific choir school, are recruited from a wide range of local schools. The boys rehearse twice a week in addition to singing two Services of Choral Evensong.

The College Choir, formed in 1982, has female sopranos for its top line, in addition to the same back row that sings in the Chapel Choir. The College choir sings two Evensongs per week, as well as at major College events, and concerts both in the UK and abroad. The choirs enjoy singing together and do so for many significant events, tours and recordings.

The singers are having a busy week. They have just returned from Sunday’s concert at Edington Priory Church in Wiltshire. Their director, Richard Pinel, is also the Director of the Edington Festival of Music within the Liturgy, which takes place there every August.

The College Choir is giving a concert in the Fitzwilliam Museum this week, and the Combined Choirs will sing a concert in Jesus College Chapel on 15th December, featuring Benjamin Britten’s Ceremony of Carols, as well as many other seasonal favourites.

FCM was very pleased to award a grant to Jesus College this year. It is being put to good use which supplementing the existing fund for music lessons for the choristers, increasing the support that is offered to the boys and their families.

