Presbyterian moderator elect

Rev Ivan Patterson of Newcastle will succeed Dr Norman Hamilton

The next moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland will be Reverend Ivan Patterson, 62, minister of Newcastle Presbyterian Church. Mr Patterson was nominated by 12 out of the 19 Presbyteries who met on Feb 1 throughout Ireland. He will take up office on 6 June in succession to Dr Norman Hamilton who continues as moderator until then.

Rev Patterson, who has been minister of Newcastle for the last 20 years, said he was “absolutely overwhelmed”.

“I am very happy to serve the church and to represent its members but am somewhat daunted by the thought of the year ahead,” he said.

There were four other candidates for the post – Rev Roy Patton, minister of the Ballygilbert congregation received three nominations, Rev Joseph Andrews of Ballee, Ballymena two votes and Rev Roy Mackay, Second Comber and Rev Rob Craig, Kilfennan, Londonderry, one vote each.