Job 6:14 Those who withold kindness from a friend forsake the fear of the Almighty.

A few days ago, I was attending a social event and was shocked to run into a former friend with whom I’d had a falling out. Suddenly, this person stood in front of me, and I had to make a split-second decision on how to react. So of course, I made the wrong decision. I passed without saying a word, snubbing the person.

Today, I am faced with writing a meditation about withholding kindness from a friend. Go figure. Theologian C.K. Chesterton said that coincidences are spiritual puns, so I hope God is laughing at my ego. 

Pondering my experience with the former friend, I remember my first impulse was to offer a greeting and to seek at least a passing reconciliation. But I denied that holy itch and acted like a jerk instead.

In my psychotherapy education, our professors always told us that if we missed an opportunity to say something insightful to a client, we would always have another chance. Issues don’t just disappear. I hope God gives me another chance with my friend. I’ll be ready this time. 

MOVING FORWARD: How will you make your own heart ready for reconciliation?
