John 8:45 But because I tell the truth, you do not believe me.

Sigmund Freud believed that human beings will go to great lengths to deny unpleasant truths about themselves. The method he developed to treat mental illness helped his patients face these truths. By doing so, they were often able to eliminate the symptoms.

Based on today’s reading, it appears that Jesus was way ahead of Freud in diagnosing the problem of human self-deception. Without exception, we excel at denying truths that we would rather not acknowledge. While we often deny it, the truth is exactly what we need. Truth is what Jesus comes to offer. But when Jesus tells people he’s the Son of God, they do not believe him. 

I have worked with many clients over the years who have ignored the deep truths God has spoken into their hearts about who they are and what they are capable of. Looking back at my own life, I have ignored these truths many times too. We are afraid to face truth. What if Jesus really is telling the truth about himself—and about us? 

MOVING FORWARD: Are there truths about Jesus and yourself that you have difficulty facing? Pray for strength and courage to face those truths. 
