Ecclesiasticus 28:17 The blow of a whip raises a welt, but a blow of the tongue crushes the bones.

Several years ago, a friend and I had begun a discussion, which in turn became a debate and soon disintegrated into an argument. After several minutes of verbal attack, we all but dismantled a friendship of many years’ standing. I no longer recall the subject of our heated exchange, but I will never forget how I felt afterward. We had fashioned our words into lethal weapons to injure each other’s spirits.

The whole of creation owes its very existence to words. We know that the Word became flesh in Christ, whose words bring truth and healing to those who hear him and listen.

Words are powerful agents of blessing and cursing. God has blessed humans with the power of speech, which we can use to build up others in love or tear down in anger. Let us strive to honor the One who embodies the Word by using our words as warm blankets instead of swords.

MOVING FORWARD: For the next week, commit to silently count to ten before you respond to something that makes you feel anxious, afraid, or otherwise confronted. 
