Ecclesiasticus 44:10 But these also were godly men, whose righteous deeds have not been forgotten.

The woman sitting across from my desk asked, “What does sanctification mean? In the simplest of terms possible, please.” Normally this would not be a difficult question to answer, considering I’m a priest with a few decades of parish experience. What made this situation different was that the parishioner asking the question was 92. My mind flashed, “What answer can I possibly give this dear woman? She has lived two fantastic lives compared with mine.”

I tried hard not to let my worry play out on my face, and I gave my best answer. “It’s the inner working of the Holy Spirit in our day-to-day moments, which over time allows us to move closer to godliness and further away from sin.” She looked me in the eyes and said, “It seems all my life I’ve had lots of questions and am continually looking for answers.”

“Maybe that is what’s gotten you this far,” I said. She just laughed and walked away.

MOVING FORWARD: What’s the one question you want to have answered? How can you bring that to God during your prayer time?
