John 9:35 Jesus heard that they had thrown him out, and when he found him, he said, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?”

For his unshakable witness, the man born blind and healed by washing in the waters of Siloam is kicked out of the temple. We can only imagine how desperately he wants answers.Jesus knows the man is in trouble and seeks him out to reassure and calm him.

A preacher whose powerful ministry led many to Christ was hospitalized in critical condition. In his dark room, he needed help but could not find the call button. He panicked. Then the Holy Spirit spoke to him: “I am your call button. Trust me.”

Jesus sets about looking for the preacher just as he does for the healed man. Hold this image in prayer whenever you feel despair, fear, or loneliness. Thanks be to God for the amazing willingness to come looking for us when we are lost and in need of reassurance and calm.

MOVING FORWARD: What prayer do you pray when you need to hit your own spiritual call button?
