“He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength.”
Psalm 23:2-3a NLT

Psalm 23 reminds us of the constant conflict we all face between trust in an all-sufficient God and the pressure to secure food, rest and protection from external threats. When we are tested, reason is insufficient of itself. We need an active faith in God’s promise to navigate through each challenge.

When I am distressed by something that lies beyond my capacity to resolve, it is then that my true standing in God is revealed. My first response is usually panic. I’m tense and reactive and it takes only a small spark to ignite me. I create a stressful environment around me and find it difficult to rest. Only as I am able to exercise faith, by which action nothing about my circumstances is altered, am I changed. My Shepherd guides me to a place of rest. My stress and inner turmoil quietens. I place my confidence in God’s ability to see me through. I accept that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13, NKJV).

Confidence is not a product of reason, but of choice. My reason may be informed by scripture, the testimony of others, or my own Christian history, yet every choice comes at the cost of risk. It’s one reason that so many products are designed to appeal to our innate risk-averse nature. I admit to wanting all of God plus a secure fall-back position. For if faith fails, and my Shepherd doesn’t show, I want to make my own provision to ward off threats to my life.

The psalmist recognises that satisfaction in God and the precariousness of life are forever present in our human walk. We cannot live at peace with both until we make our peace with faith and place our confidence in the One who gives us rest, nourishes us and hence provides us with the strength or courage to continue faithful, no matter what.

Where do you place your faith? In yourself, or God, or do you hedge your bets?

Thank you, Jesus, for your leadership, thank you for your strength-giving presence, thank you for the rest you give and the security I find only in you.
