“You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings.”
Psalm 23:5 NLT

Who doesn’t enjoy a feast? I clearly remember my 40th birthday where we had a brilliant meal together with excellent entertainment. It was a celebration with family and friends. It marked an occasion with joy and merriment. These are characteristics of living with God. Indeed, we are headed for the finest heavenly banquet prepared for us by God.

I was not part of the planning committee, yet had clear ideas of what I wanted. The guest list was larger than the venue capacity, and too many people replied yes. Despite these and other challenges, everyone enjoyed the evening, especially me. I learned from this that my “enemies” are not always some external threat. They are often the inner fears and paranoia that plague me. I can find no peace of mind.

The only way to deal with these “enemies” is to surrender to God, for it’s only as I submit myself to him that I can enjoy the anointing of his oil, which is for harmony and wholeness. Harmony is that moment in which all that I aspire to in God comes into alignment with my willingness to yield to the totality of his love for me. Of course, the depth of such love lies well beyond my comprehension. I make my choice to accept God loves me, despite what might appear as evidence to the contrary. I take my eyes off the evidence, the material my “enemies” use to taunt me in an attempt to destroy my resolve in following Jesus, and focus upon God’s love.

I feed off God’s table in the wilderness. I discover nourishment when I experience the greatest terrors in my life. Yet, I must first turn from my complaint and look to God, often no more than “a still small voice” (1 Kings 19:12, NKJV) somewhere within the heart of the storm engulfing me. My enemies are silenced and I am fed.

What are the riches that God has given you to feast upon?

What wonderful grace, my God, that you have so richly blessed me with the blessings of Christ. My heart is full with wonder and thanks.

Photo – First hole at Portstewart GC
