So now, come back to your God. Act with love and justice, and always depend on him.

Hosea 12:6 NLT

The wheels had come off during a really tough time in my life. I felt bereft of all love, human and divine, when a wise Christian senior, for whom I had a lot of respect, phoned me. He was the epitome of holiness. I knew that he and his wife both suffered physically from chronic illness. He asked me how I was doing, pressed his point and asked me if I was speaking honestly to God. This was a challenge because I’d virtually sent God to Coventry! Then he said something I’ll never forget: “I speak very honestly to God, for life is very difficult. At times I use most unparliamentary language!”

This man knew that God is robust and he never deserts us. Most often we’re upset that God fails to use his super powers to right the wrongs we believe we experience unfairly. This is looking at life through our own lens, which is subject to distortion. Yet, nowhere does scripture declare that God is in the business of making my life more comfortable. I’ve simply signed up to cooperate in God’s great plan.

When times are tough, there are two steps I use to recover my footing on God’s path to life. First, I need to return to God despite my reaction and possible rejection of him. I don’t like my lot, but I must acknowledge he is present even as I also make my complaint known.

Then, secondly, with gritted teeth, I must offer my circumstances to God, reflecting that I can make no substantive changes. All I am left with is choosing to depend upon God. This is the foundation of all relationship with God. I remain dependent upon my loving creator, who has no dependency upon me whatsoever. My faith is a gift sustained by grace. It’s not a bargaining chip with which I negotiate with the divine for my ultimate advantage.

What situation do you face which you are powerless over?

Heavenly Father, I choose to return to your embrace today. Hold me and sustain me I pray, and show me the pathway ahead I must take.