Speaking to the Soul – February 5

We are Christ’s ambassadors

For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people’s sins against them. And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation. So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!” 2 Corinthians 5:19-20

If you have ever visited an embassy you will know what a strange experience it is. Suddenly you find yourself in another country! You will see the flag of that country and find yourself looking at pictures of their royalty or head of state. In most instances, you will also hear a language that is different to that spoken on the street outside. That is, of course, the whole point. An embassy represents a country internationally, no matter where it is located.

Paul tells us that this is precisely our job. We are ambassadors of a different country, representing the kingdom of God wherever we are. And, in common with all ambassadors, we have a message to share. Ambassadors are carefully trained to faithfully represent the views of their government and forge strong relationships with the country to which they have been posted.

That precisely describes our role. This world is not our home. We are just passing through and so, in all we say and do, we must ensure we are faithful representatives of God and his kingdom, speaking in his name and with his authority.

Our key role, as God’s ambassadors, is to pass on a message of reconciliation. God sent Jesus into the world to forgive our sins and enable us to enter into a relationship with him. We now need to pass on that simple, clear message: “Come back to God!” To be trusted as an ambassador is an amazing privilege. But to be called to be God’s ambassador s as good as it gets. Wherever you go and whatever you do today, remember that, before anything else, you are God’s ambassador.

In what ways can you be able to represent the kingdom of God today?

Lord God, thank you that you sent Jesus into this world to forgive our sins and bring us into a relationship with you. Help me to be a good ambassador today, and pass on the message that you are eager to have a relationship with all of us. Amen

This week’s flowers  are from St Colman’s Parish Dunmurry where the compiler of CNI was most fortunate to be ordained priest whilst serving as curate-assistant.