
Home visit for Director at Truro

Recital at St Peter’s, Belfast, February 19

Chris Gray, Director of Music at Truro Cathedral, will give a talk and play some pieces at St Peter’s Church on  February 19 when the Ulster Society of Organists and Choirmasters meets at 4.00pm. Chris is a former student of Bangor Grammar School (one of many encouraged into church music by Ian Hunter) and was Assistant Organist at St George’s Belfast.

Chris’s association with Truro started in September 2000 when he was appointed Assistant Organist, having previously held organ scholarships at Pembroke College, Cambridge and at Guildford Cathedral. In 2008 he was appointed Director of Music at Truro.

Chris will share some more anecdotes with USOC  as the after dinner speaker at The Beechlawn Hotel Dunmurry at 7.00 pm