
MU – news briefs

Bereavement, Ballymena’s 90th anniversary, This week


Susan Mitchell, Branch Chairman of St George’s Belfast MU has passed away after a long illness.

The funeral will be in St Georges’ Church on High Street on Tuesday 4th October at 10.30am

Ballymena’s 90th anniversary celebrations

St Patrick’s Mothers’ Union, Ballymena, recently celebrated its 90th anniversary!
Diocesan President Moira Thom joined the party to help Audrey Deacon slice up the anniversary cake at a tea in the church hall following a service of Holy Communion to mark the occasion.

Audrey, one of the longest serving members in the branch, has been a member of the Mothers’ Union for almost 60 years. She was enrolled along with her mother in the new MU at Holy Trinity Parish Church, Lisnaskea, by the rector Canon Farrell, who with help from his mother formed a branch for the women of the parish. Audrey has been a faithful member ever since, holding posts at both branch and area level.

This week

Wed 5
MU – Clogher Diocese Autumn Council in Clogher Cathedral.8.00 pm. Speaker:
Heather Dawson from New Zealand

Thurs 6
MU – Holy Communion, Christ Church Cathedral,Dublin, 11.15 am

MU –  Dublin & Glendalough Training Evening, Taney Parish Centre, 7.30 pm  

Notice of MU events welcome at churchnewsireland@gmail.com