
Worship Academy Ireland

Worship Academy Ireland is due to begin in January 2012 and its endeavours have been commended by The Rt Revd Harold Miller, Bishop of Down and Dromore and President of Summer Madness.

Bishop Miller said, “It is more about building people than building ministries. Through a modular approach, the training at the academy has always been about training people based on why they worship, not necessarily how they do it. Worship should be something we do 24/7.”

Chris Bowater, the Co–founder and Course Director, said, “Worship Academy is a unique, highly motivating programme. It brings together the Word and the Spirit, developing both character and gifting in a Spirit–led environment. I have no hesitation in warmly recommending this course to anyone seeking a deeper experience of God in their day–to–day life and ministry.”

Worship Academy Ireland seeks to serve the church in Northern Ireland and Ireland by releasing back to the church fully equipped Music Directors, Worship Ministries and Worshippers. The church in our nation needs worship ministries that:

– Are fully integrated into the life, vision and values of local church. Understand the need for character as well as gift;
- Are established on good theological and practical foundations;
- Have a servant heart.

This course is for all ages (over 16yrs) and stages of the Christian life and will enable you to go further and deeper into God, growing in your relationship with Him and with others.

Worship Academy is aimed at:
•    People currently involved in Worship Ministry in their local Church – singers, worship leaders, musicians, song writers.
•    People with a desire to become part of a Worship Ministry in their local Church
•    Members of the congregation with a passion for Worship and a longing to go deeper in understanding
•    Church leaders who are seeking guidance in overseeing their local Church Worship Ministry

Through the vision of Chris Bowater and Andy Bromley, two internationally recognised and respected worship ministries, Worship Academy has been equipping worship ministries and worshippers for the local church, for the last 9 years in the UK.  There are now Academies in England, Singapore, Portugal, USA, Ireland and Romania.

“Following much prayer and obedience to God’s direction, in 2008 Worship Academy Ireland commenced, under a slightly different structure to the UK model. The course involves setting aside 10 weekends over 2 years to ‘come aside’ and grow and learn in a safe environment in the Presence of God.”

For further information check out the Ireland page on the Worship Academy website at:
Email: aienquiries@btinternet.com
Deadline for applications: 30th November 2011